Governments are easing up regulations, are you ready to follow suit?

As the spread of the coronavirus slows down, Europe is cautiously trying to get back to business with restrictions loosening…

As the spread of the coronavirus slows down, Europe is cautiously trying to get back to business with restrictions loosening across the continent. Denmark is opening up their shopping malls, The German Spy Museum in Berlin opened its doors for the first time in weeks, and Austrians can head over to hairdressers in Vienna after two months of lockdown.

With many European countries relaxing some of their restrictions, many are returning to public life. It’s a slow change and many restrictions will remain for the coming months. So, does this mean that your employees should slowly come back to the office? Hold your horses.

Health and safety first

Whether your employees have been working remotely or staying home due to business closure or health concerns, you need to ensure a healthy and safe transition back to the office. In other words, you need to determine when and how you can call back the troops.

We have developed a pulse survey solution that helps HR, IT, Operations, and Leadership teams address each employee’s unique needs and concerns to make a safe and positive transition back.

Pulse surveys collect real-time feedback, are flexible and adaptable, which allow the addition and removal of questions based on previous measurements. They allow for a proactive system that adapts to your employees and their experiences.

The Return to Work Pulse Solution

Our solution helps organizations quickly understand and address the employees’ unique concerns and needs to create actionable plans for transitioning teams back into the workplace.

Pre-built assessment questions and an automated point-in-time report cover the following topics:

  • Health and safety needs
  • Company and manager communication requirements
  • Readiness to reintegrate

This solution can be used for planning the reopening, as well as readying the organization, teams, and managers for a variety of situations including:

  • Employees returning back into the workplace after an extended period of remote work
  • Employees returning to work from extended self-quarantine or personal health safety concerns
  • Employees who interact with the general public and/or customers and are returning onsite

With our reports, you can use real-time employee experience data to make the best plans for your organization — and your employees — as you transition back to the workplace.

Are you interested?

Our consultants are ready to help you get through this. Book a demo.

If you’d rather handle it on your own, you can! We have a template you can use for inspiration and implement your own pulse solution using Enalyzer.

The Future of Work Has Arrived. Are You Technologically Ready For It?

The COVID-19 worldwide lockdown has led to a radical change in the use of technology and expanded remote working possibilities….

The COVID-19 worldwide lockdown has led to a radical change in the use of technology and expanded remote working possibilities. This has meant that the workplace of the future has already moved into many organizations in the form of increased digitalization and working from home. Many organizations are following up on the experiences of working remotely. The preliminary results show that many organizations have experienced a significant decrease in sick leave, for example, sick leave has decreased by 64% at the Danish Safety Technology Authority

The economic benefits of reducing sick leave are palpable. Last year, the Confederation of Danish Employers estimated that sick leave costs society DKK 46 billion annually. We’re not talking about small change here. Private companies and public organizations can save significantly by reducing sick leave.

There are two primary reasons for the decline in sick leave during the current COVID-19 pandemic. First and foremost, the general population has a much greater focus on hygiene to decrease the spread of the coronavirus. We all know the authorities’ hygiene advice:

  1. Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer
  2. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve
  3. Avoid handshakes, kisses, and hugs
  4. Pay attention to cleaning, at home and work
  5. Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate

The second reason is remote work. The widespread of remote work has given many families a more flexible working life instead of the constraints of a 9 to 5 schedule. The increased flexibility has made it easier to balance work and personal/family life. Unquestionably, all other things being equal, many now feel less stressed in everyday life, which in turn means that the probability of sick leave decreases. In short, the first results show that an increase in remote work reduces stress and sick leave. But three things need to be in place to reap the benefits of an increased in remote work without compromising the organization’s productivity:

  1. You need to have a handle on your tech. Employees need to have the same access to IT systems and relevant tools at home as they do at the office.
  2. Your employees need to be equipped to take advantage of new technological opportunities and that they feel familiar with the application of the new technology and tools.
  3. As employees will using 40% of their time working from home, you need to ensure that work processes and routines around the technology are thought into their everyday lives. You have to be aware of whether the current processes around the technology need to be adjusted to the new reality.

Is your organization technologically ready for remote work?

It’s important to examine the technological readiness of your organization to ensure employee productivity when they’re working from home. We’ve made a test that can give you a quick assessment.

Take the test

However, if you’d like a thorough evaluation of all levels of your organization, we can take care of that as well. Contact us and have a personalized technological readiness assessment within two weeks.

Our consultants are ready to help you and set up a live report.

COVID-19: Ensure the safety of your customers with a contact tracing system

Lockdowns and restrictions continue to ease around the world, which means restaurants, concert halls, stores, and other facilities are finally…

Lockdowns and restrictions continue to ease around the world, which means restaurants, concert halls, stores, and other facilities are finally open. However, the reopening has come with its challenges and restrictions. And now governments in many countries have encouraged or even required for all publicly accessible facilities and event venues to record people’s contact details and assist with tracing efforts.

With Enalyzer, you can easily set up a tracing system that’s efficient and most importantly safe. Quickly gather guest and customer contact details and notify them if there has been a risk of infection at your venue.

How does it work?

Scan and register

Create and design your registration form. Get the QR code, print it, and place it somewhere visible in your restaurant, store, or company. When guests and customers scan the QR code, they’ll be directed to a registration form where they’ll enter their contact details. Most smartphones already have a QR code reader integrated into the camera and therefore don’t need to download an app.

Test the QR code by using your smartphone camera

Collect registrations

With Zapier, you can automatically transfer your data from Enalyzer to whatever app you choose to collect the registrations. We recommend a spreadsheet app such as Google Sheets, Smartsheet, and Airtable.

You’ll be able to register contact details as well as the time and date of their visit, so you have all the information you need to keep our customers and guests safe.

Notify affected customers

In the event of an infection suspicion, you can easily and quickly inform the guests that were at your venue at the respective time window and message them. With Zapier, you can automate the entire process of sending out emails.

If necessary, you can simply export the potentially affected groups and forward them to the relevant authorities.

As with everything, you can set it up yourself or we can do it for you. Our team is ready to set up a contract tracing solution that fits every single one of your needs. Interested? Book a demo.

Security and GDPR

Personal data should always be approached with safety and care, especially since it lands you in the realms of GDPR. Therefore, you should consider the following:

Registration must be voluntary

You cannot require or force customers and guests to register their information, it must be voluntary. In short, there should be no inconvenience or consequence to the customer or guest if they reject registering their information.

State your purpose

Customers and guests must know what is being registered, what it be used for, and for how long it will be stored. You don’t need to store the information for more than a couple of weeks. If you already have a personal data policy, consider adding a section about the registration. Enalyzer is GDPR compliant and we do our utmost to keep your data safe. Our consultants ensure security and GDPR compliance for all of our solutions.

Collect only what you need

This will usually include name, email, phone number date, and time the customer or guest has been at the location. Depending on the size of the venue, you can also register which floor or side of the venue the guest has been in, as this information can also be relevant and helpful in tracing the infection.

Secure the information

Make sure that unauthorized people don’t access the registered information and don’t use the information for anything else than people have consented to. The information may only be used for contract tracking.

Delete continuously

When the information is no longer relevant, it must be deleted. According to the authorities there is a 14-day incubation period for coronavirus infection, it must therefore be assumed that you are probably not allowed to store personal information for longer than two weeks.

How PFA responded to the COVID-19 crisis and introduced new practices using Enalyzer

PFA is a pension company in Denmark with its headquarters located in the capital, Copenhagen. They were founded in 1917…

PFA is a pension company in Denmark with its headquarters located in the capital, Copenhagen. They were founded in 1917 by labor market players to create mobility in the Danish labor market and to ensure people in Denmark the freedom to live the lives they want. As of today, PFA has more than 1.3 million individual customers and continues to live up to its pledge, to do more for its customers and society.

On March 11, 2020, as Denmark went on lockdown due to COVID-19, PFA sends all of its 1300 employees home. Overnight their way of working changed drastically.

“At the time, we had a few people who worked from home on rare occasions but nothing at this scale.” Sebastian Bay, HR Consultant at PFA

It was touch and go at the beginning but after quickly setting up everyone with VPN connections and booking constant online meetings, PFA employees were getting accustomed to the new normal. Nevertheless, HR and Top Management were concerned about the employee’s well-being and overall experience. Their main concerns boiled down to morale, motivation, and connection/feeling part of the team. That’s when we reached out.

We’re always checking in and sharing new solutions with our customers. When PFA heard of our new remote working solution, they wanted to get to work straight away.

PFA wanted to focus on productivity, engagement, and team feeling so together we customized the standard questionnaire of the remote working solution. It only took 1 week from initial contact to distributing the survey with PFA employees.

The results are in…

As part of the solution, the HR department at PFA received an online report and a scorecard and the results were crystal clear and surprising.

Enalyzer’s online reports are brilliant for drilling down into very specific areas and better understanding the collected feedback.

Sebastian Bay, HR Consultant at PFA

Employee’s productivity was not affected and they hoped that PFA would introduce remote working as a standard practice. Nevertheless, though employees enjoyed working from home, the biggest deprivation they experience was a team feeling and connection to their co-workers.

“Our employees were productive and enjoyed working from home. Many, especially those with families, found that they could get everything done when working from home.” Sebastian Bay, HR Consultant at PFA

So, what’s the verdict?

PFA’s Top Management just announced that everyone is allowed to work from home 2 days a week. They want to reap the benefits of remote working but also have to address that PFA employees want to belong to their workplaces and feel part of the team, therefore meeting up at the office is still of great value.

“Many of our employees expressed great satisfaction at being able to organize their every day at their own pace. We hope that the increased flexibility improves their every day and thus reduces stress.” Sebastian Bay, HR Consultant at PFA

PFA is trying to get the best of both worlds by listening to their employees and implementing a solution that works for them. Apart from introducing remote working, they want to ensure employees have ergonomic home offices and are therefore currently working on providing chairs and desks for their employees. 

→ Reach out to your remote workforce with our template

Use recurring surveys to stay connected with your workforce through the COVID-19 crisis

Recurring and continuous surveys are great tools that will help you stay connected with the reality of your business and…

Recurring and continuous surveys are great tools that will help you stay connected with the reality of your business and assess the development of the KPIs you’re observing. Even though the world is slowly opening up, there are many still working from home and these conditions will not be changing any time soon. Recurring surveys are a great way of keeping your workforce connected and guide them through this crisis. Reading time: 6 min.

In the space of a few weeks, the world changed and we have been living under the new normal for months now. For many of us, a daily routine consists of a quick walk from our beds to the study, dinner table, or couch. We keep colleagues and managers updated via instant message and daily or weekly video calls. We try to manage our families and keep out any distractions while trying to achieve our KPIs. Despite everything, humans are creatures of habit and we are settling into the new normal the best way we can. But things are not normal.

Your employees’ ability to adapt is not, necessarily, a sign that they feel supported. So, don’t stop checking in and measuring their engagement, well-being, and satisfaction simply because they seem like they’re dealing. The world is slowly opening up but many keep working from home and we can safely say that getting back to normal is going to be a slow process, so you need to set up a system for continuous measurement, aka recurring surveys.

Step 1: Make a plan

A survey plan consists of defining the survey’s purpose and cadence, as well as addressing accountability.

The purpose

Before you set up you distribute your survey, sit down with all the stakeholders involved, and determine the survey purpose. Ask yourselves these questions:

  • What exactly are we trying to figure out?
  • Why do we want to know?
  • What do we hope to do with the collected feedback?
  • Who is our intended audience or population?
  • How are we going to access that target audience?

Survey goals are the key to successful measurement, without them, you may end up with unusable data and unable to take concrete action. A survey without a purpose is a waste of time.

The cadence

Your plan also needs to include a timeline. Recurring surveys should not be sent at random; they need a schedule. The survey cadence depends on two things:

1. How frequently do the conditions you are measuring change?

Once you define your survey goals, you’ll know the conditions and topics you need to measure to meet those goals. To determine a frequency, you need to think about how often these conditions or employees’ perceptions of them meaningfully change.

2. How often can you follow-up and take action based on the results?

When employees share their feedback, they expect to be listened to. Surveying employees and failing to follow-up on the results can backfire by spreading mistrust, increasing disengagement, and leading to decrease future survey response rates.

When considering survey cadence, you need to consider how often your managers can review and react to survey results. A follow-up includes some communications of the results back to the employees and action plans and these things take time – consider how much resources you have.

Perceptions of remote work could change frequently, therefore, we recommend asking every 1-2 weeks for the most recent and relevant data. With Enalyzer, once you set up reports and distribute them, you can watch real-time data come in, minimizing administrative work.


In order to implement changes or setup new initiatives based on the collected employee feedback, you need to find someone who will be accountable. This person or group of people need to have the interest and authority to implement initiatives and changes. The best candidates are your managers, including top management.

Step 2: Define your tool kit

Recurring surveys can be costly and resource-demanding unless you find a digital platform that can minimize the administrative work involved in data collection, as well as insight reporting and distribution. Enalyzer minimizes the administrative work that constant measurement requires and it can easily embrace your entire organization. 

You might also want to integrate with other tools you’re already using, such as Slack, Google Sheets, Gmail, or popular HR apps such as Namely and PeopleHR. With Zapier, Enalyzer can connect to more than 1500 apps, so you can transfer employee feedback wherever you need automatically.

Step 3: Design your survey

You are now ready to build your survey and you’re in luck because we have a Remote Workforce template that measures six challenges remote workers face:

  1. Work-life balance
  2. Distractions
  3. Lack of sense of belonging
  4. Lack of communication
  5. Lower reliability and accountability
  6. Increased security challenges

Furthermore, the template is meant to be used as a communication platform. There is a higher response rate when top management chooses to communicate through the survey.

→ Check out the template

→ Add a copy of the Remote Workforce template in your Enalyzer account

You can customize the survey to be more specific to your organization and the goals you’ve defined. For example, the survey can start with a short video greeting and a one-pager that briefly explains the organization’s goals and priorities.

Step 6: Set up recurring surveys

Survey plan ✔️ Survey design ✔️ Now it’s time to send your surveys. You can send them manually according to the frequency you’ve chosen or you can set it all up to run automatically in Enalyzer using organizations.

  1. Create an organization
  2. Create teams that reflect your organizational structure
  3. Customize employee profiles
  4. Import your employees via CSV
  5. Setup an automation to send the recurring surveys automatically
  6. Focus on making insight-driven decisions

Step 7: Setup reports and distribute them

Reports provide data as soon as feedback comes in, so you can understand what’s going on in your organization immediately and track the development over time with time series charts. Distribute reports with your managers and give them read-only access to the insights they need to follow-up on the results. Managers can check their reports after each recurring measurement and always be up to date on how their team is feeling, as the world changes.

Step 8: Take action and communicate

With every measurement, make sure you look into the areas that need your focus and if needed, readjust the next measurement. Ensure your managers are taking initiatives to address issues that arise from the survey results.

Consistent measurement is always a good idea even before COVID-19. It’ll be a while until we’re back to business as usual, so for now, make sure your employees feel supported throughout these uncertain times.

Need help? We have can tailor a solution that meets your needs and get you started right away. Book a demo.

The Remote Workforce: The New Normal During The COVID-19 Crisis

We don’t know when we are going back to normal and therefore you should prepare for the following months. A…

We don’t know when we are going back to normal and therefore you should prepare for the following months. A remote workforce, especially under these circumstances, has its own challenges that you need to understand and address. By collecting feedback, you can communicate with your employees, ease their concerns and uncertainty, and stay connected with the state of engagement and well-being amongst them. Reading time: 3 min.

Remote working has always been part of Enalyzer’s DNA. It provides our employees with flexibility that helps them balance their life with their work. This is, of course, common within our industry but we are in unprecedented times and we have found ourselves, together with many others, with a remote workforce in the blink of an eye.

In light of this crisis, we had to take into consideration how working from home for extended periods of time and without preparation can impact our people and therefore our company. We, like others, are making sure that we stay connected while physically distancing. However, we are in untested waters and therefore we are continuously measuring employee engagement and well-being to make sure that employees have the tools they need and feel taken care of during this crisis.

Barriers and challenges

Many organizations have the tech and possibility to enable employees to work remotely, however, home offices are not for everyone. Especially when this reality was implemented without any notice and for an extended period of time.

Not all employees can be equipped mentally or technologically to work from home. Some employees might not have the appropriate space or set up to work productively at home. This can be anything from not having the correct tools, such as a strong Wi-Fi connection or space to having to balance children or housemates. The simple act of finding office space can be a stress factor.

Now more than ever, employees are looking at their managers for advice and sources of motivation. However, even some of the most experienced managers might find it difficult to lead from a distance. As a blessing in disguise, managers can use this as a learning opportunity by leaning toward other managers that have more experience with remote working or are more naturally equipped to do the job.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be a struggle without a pandemic. Remote workers can struggle with juggling these two, especially with a home filled with distractions making it impossible for them to switch to ‘work mode’.

Working remotely within this crisis can bring many challenges but you can use this as a chance to reimagine the way we work, which can only happen by actively listening, showing empathy and acknowledging employee concerns. 

Communication and clarity are vital

Your employees are working from home, potentially for the first time, potentially with a partner and/or child, mix that with financial stress, the uncertainty of long-term employment and a global pandemic and you find yourself with the perfect recipe for anxiety and stress. It’s a lot to handle.

Humans can power through change but uncertainty brings stress and anxiety. During these times, workers are looking to their managers to lead, even more than governments or other organizations. Your workers need you to communicate clearly with them and they need you to tackle their issues head-on. They need to be informed of the health and goals of the organization. Now more than ever, your entire workforce needs to know what is happening and what they need to focus on, so you can all work together towards one goal.

Once you start sharing, your employees will follow suit. Make sure they feel supported and encourage them to connect with each other so you can keep up morale.

Listen and adapt

Managers need to overcommunicate with their employees to stay connected. Frequent online meetings, remote lunches, and coffee, as well as chit chat, are magnificent ideas. The same goes for online surveys.

At the start of every week, top management can send a survey that starts with a short video greeting or weekly newsletter and a one-pager that updates everyone on the current situation and state of the organization, and most importantly the goals and priorities everyone needs to follow.

→ Check out the template

Your survey should be short but address the six challenges remote workers face:

  • Work-life balance
  • Distractions
  • Lack of sense of belonging
  • Lack of communication
  • Lower reliability and accountability
  • Increased security challenges

The collected feedback can be visualized and analyzed using online reports to get a thorough understanding of not only the current state of the organization but how it develops through time. With aggregated data and online check-ins, managers can actively listen and adapt to the new normal.

We don’t know when we are going back to normal and therefore you should prepare for the following months with a remote workforce. By collecting feedback, you can communicate with your employees, ease their concerns and uncertainty, and stay connected with the state of engagement and well-being amongst them.

How do we stay connected at Enalyzer?

We are more than surveys. With a quick and easy Enalyzer-Airtable integration via Zapier, we decided to create a little spin-off of our employee board and make a remote working edition. Check out our home offices.

Check out the webinar about staying connected with a remote workforce