Surveys, reports, and insight are in a symbiotic relationship. They cannot exist without each other, at least not in a way that brings value to your company. Today we’re going to highlight reports but never forget that one cannot exist without the other.
Reports help you visualize and understand the survey data that you can share with whoever needs to see it so that everyone makes informed decisions.
Sounds advanced? It’s not, because with Enalyzer anyone can be an analyst. You can create customized reports that tell a story and share it with relevant stakeholders, without any experience.
Let’s Break It Down
A report is greater than the sum of its parts but let’s talk about those parts and their benefits.
Charts are a report’s cornerstone because they visualize data. Different charts address different needs and the correct combination will get you the insight you need.
You can filter reports by answers, time, and any survey background variable, e.g. age, department, unit, company, and more. Filtering and drilling down into your data gives you a better understanding of the state of your business.
Create data series (a grouping of data based on one or more criteria) and add them to a chart for comparison or benchmarking purposes. This gives you an easy way to compare your results across departments, countries, and other variables.
With Enalyzer you can share your reports securely with others and provide them with read-only access. To ensure the right data gets to the right people, you can create different versions of the same report and share them.
The ABCs of Reports
In this 30 minute session, you will learn the basic chart types, filtering options, and other tricks to kickstart your online reporting journey.
Advanced Reporting Techniques
In this 30 minute session, you will learn how to set up reports like an expert. We’ll review advanced chart types, e.g. time series. Define variables, set up data series, as well as sharing report versions for limited access to your reports.
Why stop there? There’s more
We’ve compiled a list of webinars to help you get started with Enalyzer and give you a closer look at the multiple features available for your surveys and reports.
If you would like a team of experts to help you with the report setup, you can always get in touch with our consultants! They can help out in whatever you need or take over the entire process. Get in touch with us and let’s figure it out together.