Happy customers are loyal customers, and keeping customers coming back is, in many industries, significantly more cost efficient than generating new ones. Therefore, customer satisfaction and loyalty are not areas to be neglected, especially as satisfied customers can act as promoters, ensuring future customers.
With intensified global competition and in the age of the social web enabling instant outreach, customers are increasingly seeking online forums to express their opinions and experiences. Therefore, ensuring positive interactions between companies and customers are becoming increasingly important. A major aspect in improving customer satisfaction and loyalty is listening to the customers’ experience and a tool in achieving this knowledge is customer satisfaction surveys. Is the customer happy? Would they recommend your services or not? No matter the answer, knowing will bring you one step closer to your goals and allow you to proactively work towards improving on any weaknesses that may surface.
If you wish to hear more about the possibility for tailor making customer surveys to your needs, contact our consultants here.